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Select Publications

At least sixty books and articles using findings from the values surveys have thus far been published or are under review (more than fifty have already been published). These publications are not exclusive. It is possible that there are other published materials of which the study group is not aware.

Moaddel M, and de Jong J. 2013. “Trends in Values among Saudi Youth: Findings from Values Surveys.” Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 6(1): 151-164.

Moaddel M, and Karabenick S. 2013. “Religious Fundamentalism in the Middle East: A Cross-National, Inter-Faith and Inter-Ethnic Analysis.” Leiden: Brill.

Moaddel M. 2012. “What Do the Arab People Want?” HSCB Newsletter Winter 2012, page 8.

Moaddel Mde Jong J, and Dagher M. 2011. “Beyond Sectarianism in Iraq.” Contexts 10(3): 66-67.

Amaney J, and Nooruddin I. 2010. “The Democratic Utility of Trust: A Cross-National Analysis.” The Journal of Politics 72(1): 45-59.

Moaddel M. 2010. “Iranians and Their Pride: Modalities of Political Sovereignty.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 6007/2010.

Elliott M, and Hayward RD. 2009. “Religion and Life Satisfaction Worldwide: The Role of Government Regulation.” Sociology of Religion 70(3): 285-310.

Herrmann P, Hesmati A, Tausch A, and Bajalan CS. 2009. “Index of Global Tolerance: A Quantitative Analysis Based on the ‘World Values Survey’ Data.” The Vienna Institute Monthly Report No. 1/2009.

Tausch A, and Hesmati A. 2009. “Asabiyya: Re-Interpreting Value Change in Globalized Societies.” IZA Discussion Paper Series No. 4459

Moaddel M. 2009. “The Iranian Revolution and its Nemesis: the Rise of Liberal Values among Iranians.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 29: 126-136.

Peterson L, and Price AM. 2009. ““Protest Potential in the Middle East.” Presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November.

Tausch A. Forthcoming. 2009. “What 1.3 Billion Muslims Really Think: An Answer to a Recent Gallup Study, Based on a ‘World Values Survey’.” Nova Science Publishers, New York.

Moaddel MTessler M, and Inglehart R. 2008. “Saddam Hussein and the Sunni Insurgency: Findings from Values Surveys.” Political Science Quarterly 123(4): 623-44.

Moaddel M, and Karabenick S. 2008. “Religious Fundamentalism among Young Muslims in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.” Social Forces 86(4): 1675-1710.

Moaddel MTessler M, and Inglehart R. 2008. “Foreign Occupation and National Pride.” Public Opinion Quarterly 72(4): 677-705.

Acevedo GA. 2008. “Islamic Fatalism and the Clash of Civilizations: An Appraisal of a Contentious and Dubious Theory.” Social Forces 86(4): 1711-52.

Blaydes L, and Linzer D. 2008. “The Political Economy of Women’s Support for Fundamentalist Islam.” World Politics 60(4): 576-609.

Meyer K, and Price AM. 2008. “Religion and Support for Democracy: A Cross-National Examination.” Sociological Spectrum 28(5): 625-653.

Moaddel M. 2008. “Religious Regimes and Prospects for Liberal Politics: Futures of Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.” University of Michigan Population Studies Center Research Report 08-641.

Pettersson T, and Esmer Y. 2008. “Changing Values, Persisting Cultures; Case Studies in Value Change.” Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.

Price AM. 2008. “Gender, Work, and Ideology in the Middle East.” Presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 2009.

Price AM. 2008. “Colonial History, Muslim Presence, and Gender Equity Ideology: A Cross-National Analysis.” International Journal of Sociology 38(1): 81-103.

Ajrouch K, and Moaddel M. 2007. “Social Structure versus Perception: A Cross-National Comparison of the Determinants of Self-Rated Health in Egypt, Iran, Jordan, and the US.” in Values and Perceptions of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Publics: Findings from Values Survey. Mansoor Moaddel, Ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 181-208.

Moaddel M. 2007. “Values and Perceptions of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Publics.” Mansoor Moaddel, Ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Barro RJ, and Hwang J. 2007. “Religious Conversion in 40 Countries.” NBER Working Paper Series Working Paper 13689.

Diez-Nicolas J. 2007. “Value Systems of Elite and Publics in the Mediterranean: Convergence or Divergence.” in Values and Perceptions of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Publics: Findings from Values Survey. Mansoor Moaddel, Ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 47-70.

Heeringa SG. 2007. “Probability Sampling and the Scientific Survey Method for Population Studies: Application to Survey Research in Islamic Countries.” in Values and Perceptions of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Publics: Findings from Values Survey. Mansoor Moaddel, Ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 323-338.

Inglehart RF. 2007. “The Worldviews of Islamic Public in Global Perspective.” in Values and Perceptions of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Publics: Findings from Values Survey. Mansoor Moaddel, Ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 25-46.

Pettersson T. 2007. “Muslim Immigrants in Western Europe: Persisting Value Difference or Value Adaptation.” in Values and Perceptions of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Publics: Findings from Values Survey. Mansoor Moaddel, Ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 71-102.

Puranen B, and Widenfalk O. 2007. “The Rentier State: Does Rentierism Hinder Democracy? The Rentier Mentality Hypothesis Tested in Seven Middle Eastern Countries.” in Values and Perceptions of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Publics: Findings from Values Survey. Mansoor Moaddel, Ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 160-78.

Esmer Y, and Pettersson T. 2007. “Measuring and Mapping Cultures: 25 Years of Comparative Values Surveys.” Yilmaz Esmer and Thorlief Pettersson, Ed. Leiden and Boston: Brill.

Amaney J. 2007. “Barriers to Democracy.” Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Amaney J. 2007. “When Is Social Trust a Desirable Outcomes?: Examining Levels of Trust in the Arab World.” Comparative Political Studies 40(11): 1328-1349.

Moaddel M. 2007. “The Islamic Regime’s Dilemma: The Limits to Domestic Tyranny and International Trickery (Book Review).” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs Summer/Fall: 141-147.

Moaddel M. 2007. “What the Iraqi Study Group Missed: The Iraqi People.” Footnotes 35(1) January.

Rizzo H, Abdel-Latif A, and Meyer K. 2007. “The Relationship Between Gender Equality and Democracy: A Comparison of Arab Versus Non-Arab Muslim Societies.” Sociology 41(6): 1151-70.

Stark R. 2007. “Sociology.” Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 10th edition.

Tessler M, Moaddel M, and Inglehart R. 2006. “Getting to Arab Democracy: What Do Iraqis Want?” Journal of Democracy 17(1): 38-50.

Moaddel M. 2006. “The Saudi Public Speaks: Religion, Gender, and Politics.” International Journal of Middle East Studies 38(1): 79-108.

Inglehart RMoaddel M, and Tessler M. 2006. “Xenophobia and In-Group Solidarity in Iraq: A Natural Experiment on the Impact of Insecurity.” Perspectives on Politics 4(3): 495-505.

Chandler J. 2006. “Cross National Survey Research on Islamic Publics: Recent Findings.” Department of Political Science, City University of New York, Graduate School & University Center.

Davis NJ, and Robinson R. 2006. “The Egalitarian Face of Islamic Orthodoxy: Support for Islamic Law and Economic Justice in Seven Muslim-Majority Nations.” American Sociological Review 71(2): 167-90.

McCleary RM, and Barro RJ. 2006. “Religion and Economy.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 20(2): 49-72.

Moaddel M, and Abdel-Latif A. 2006. “Events and Value Change: The Impact of September 11, 2001 on the Worldviews of Egyptians and Moroccans.” Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 2, Article 5: 1-48.

Stark R. 2006. “Sociology.” Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 9th edition.

Inglehart RF, and Welzel C. 2005. “Modernization, Cultural Change and Democracy.” New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Tope D, and Meyer K. 2005. “Religion and Democratic Support: Evidence from the World Values Survey.” Democracy and Society 3(1): 10-12.

You J. 2005. “Corruption and Inequality as Correlates of Social Trust: Fairness Matters More Than Similarity.” The Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations and The John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University Working Paper No. 29

Moaddel M. 2004. “The Future of Islam After 9/11.” Futures 36(9): 961-77.

Moaddel M. 2004. “Prospects for Change in Saudi Arabia.” Footnotes 32, 8(November).

Norris P, and Inglehart RF. 2004. “Sacred and Secular: Reexamining the Secularization Thesis.” New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Diez-Nicolas J. 2003. “Two Contradictory Hypotheses on Globalization; Social Convergence of Civilization Differentiation and Clash.” in Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys. Ronald F. Inglehart, Ed. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. Pp. 465-493.

Esmer Y. 2003. ““Is There an Islamic Civilization?” in Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys. Ronald F. Inglehart, Ed. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. Pp. 265-98.

Inglehart RF. 2003. “Human Values and Social Change.” Ronald F. Inglehart, Ed. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.

Norris P, and Inglehart RF. 2003. “Islamic Culture and Democracy: Testing the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ Thesis.” in Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys. Ronald F. Inglehart, Ed. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. Pp. 5-33.

Norris P, Inglehart RF, and Welzel C. 2003. “Gender Equality and Democracy.” in Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys. Ronald F. Inglehart, Ed. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. Pp. 321-46.

Inglehart RF. 2003. “Islam, Gender, Culture, and Democracy.” Ronald Inglehart, Ed. Willowdale, ON, Canada: de Sitter.

Moaddel M. 2003. “2002 Keynote Address: September 11, Global Exigencies, and Sociology: A New Challenge.” Michigan Sociological Review 17 (Fall): 1-5.

Moaddel M. 2003. “Public Opinion in Islamic Countries: Survey Results.” Footnotes 31(1).

Moaddel M. 2003. “The Worldviews of Islamic Publics: The Cases of Egypt, Iran, and Jordan.” in Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys. Ronald Inglehart, Ed. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.

Taagepera R. 2003. “Prospects for Democracy in Islamic Countries.” Working Paper, UC Irvine: Center for the Study of Democracy.

Tessler M. 2003. “Arab and Muslim Political Attitudes: Stereotypes and Evidence from Survey Research.” International Studies Perspectives 4: 175-80.

Braizat al F. 2002. “Muslims and Democracy: An Empirical Critique of Fukuyama’s Culturalist Approach.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 43(3-5): 269-99.

Tessler M. 2002. “Do Islamic Orientations Influence Attitudes toward Democracy in the Arab World? Evidence from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Algeria.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 43(3-5): 229-49.

Tanwir F. 2002. “Religious Parties and Politics in Pakistan.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 43(3-5): 250-68.

Inglehart R. 2002. “Islam, Gender, Culture, and Democracy.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 43(2-5): 224-28.

Moaddel M, and Azadarmaki T. 2002. “The Worldviews of Islamic Publics: The Cases of Egypt, Iran, and Jordan.” Comparative Sociology 1, 3-4: 299-319.