Stuart Karabenick
Research Scientist, School of Education, University of Michigan;
Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Eastern Michigan UniversityPh.D. Personality and Developmental Psychology, University of Michigan, 1980
Research Interests
Arie Kruglanski’s notion of epistemic authority (i.e., whom do you rely on for information about certain domains) has been examined in primarily Euro-America populations. With Arland Thornton (ISR) and Mansoor Moaddel (UMD), Karabenick has conducted an extensive survey of young adults in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, in which both religious and secular teachers are among the authorities targeted. Differences between countries and other correlates (e.g., religious fundamentalism) of epistemic authority are being examined.
Karabenick’s research interests also focus on motivation, social aspects of self-regulated learning, and cultural influences on learning and motivation. Other research projects in progress include teachers’ beliefs about the role of genetics. He is currently associate editor of Learning and Instruction (EARLI) and coordinator of the EARLI Motivation and Emotion SIG.
Countries Studied
Egypt, Saudi Arabia.
Programs of Research
Comparative Cross-National Study of Religious Fundamentalism, Developmental Idealism, Values, and Morality in the Middle East and North Africa.
Religious Fundamentalism, Attitudes toward Political Violence, and Developmental Idealism among Youth in Egypt and Saudi Arabia – 2005 .
Related Publications
. 2013. Religious Fundamentalism in the Middle East: A Cross-National, Inter-Faith and Inter-Ethnic Analysis. Leiden: Brill.
Moaddel M, and Karabenick S. 2008. “Religious Fundamentalism among Young Muslims in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.” Social Forces 86(4): 1675-1710.