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The Arab Spring as a New Cultural Episode

Press Release Data

Tunisia: An Oasis of Peace and Tolerance: Findings from a Panel Survey

Press Release

Values and Perceptions of the Tunisian Public in a Comparative Perspective: Changing Values in the Birthplace of the Arab Spring

Press Release

The Shift in Values toward Democracy and National Identity and the Decline in Support for the Shari’a: Evidence from Recent Surveys

The Arab Spring: What it represents and implications for national security

Powerpoint Presentation

The Trends in Values, the Arab Spring, and Implications for National Security

Summary Narrative

Project Syndicate Articles

What Do Arabs Want?
Anatomy of a Revolution Delayed
The Democratic Hopes of Iraqis
The Iraqi Public Speaks
Are the Saudis Fanatics?

National Science Foundation Interview

From 9/11 to Now: Lessons from the Tragedy (Short interview)
From 9/11 to Now: Lessons from the Tragedy (Long interview)