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Related Projects

Comparative Values Surveys of Islamic Countries

Comparative Study of Ideological Production in the Islamic World


Arland Thornton, University of Michigan

Mansoor Moaddel, University of Maryland


Moaddel M, and Karabenick S. 2013. “Religious Fundamentalism in the Middle East: A Cross-National, Inter-Faith and Inter-Ethnic Analysis.” Leiden: Brill.

Moaddel M. 2010. “Iranians and Their Pride: Modalities of Political Sovereignty.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 6007/2010.

Moaddel M. 2009. “The Iranian Revolution and its Nemesis: the Rise of Liberal Values among Iranians.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 29: 126-136.

Moaddel M. 2008. “Religious Regimes and Prospects for Liberal Politics: Futures of Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.” University of Michigan Population Studies Center Research Report 08-641.

Ajrouch K, and Moaddel M. 2007. “Social Structure versus Perception: A Cross-National Comparison of the Determinants of Self-Rated Health in Egypt, Iran, Jordan, and the US.” in Values and Perceptions of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Publics: Findings from Values Survey. Mansoor Moaddel, Ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 181-208.

Moaddel M. 2007. “The Islamic Regime’s Dilemma: The Limits to Domestic Tyranny and International Trickery (Book Review).” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs Summer/Fall: 141-147.

Moaddel M. 2004. “The Future of Islam After 9/11.” Futures 36(9): 961-77.

Moaddel M. 2003. “Public Opinion in Islamic Countries: Survey Results.” Footnotes 31(1).

Moaddel M. 2003. “The Worldviews of Islamic Publics: The Cases of Egypt, Iran, and Jordan.” in Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys. Ronald Inglehart, Ed. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.

Moaddel M. 2002. “Jordanian Exceptionalism: An Analysis of State-Religion Relationship in Egypt, Iran, Jordan, and Syria.” New York: Palgrave.

Moaddel M, and Azadarmaki T. 2002. “The Worldviews of Islamic Publics: The Cases of Egypt, Iran, and Jordan.” Comparative Sociology 1, 3-4: 299-319.

Moaddel M. 2001. “Conditions for Ideological Production: The Origins of Islamic Modernism in India, Egypt, and Iran.” Theory and Society 30(October): 669-731.

Moaddel M. 1998. “Religion and Women: Islamic Modernism versus Islamic Fundamentalism.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 37(1): 108-30.

Moaddel M. 1996. “The Social Bases and the Discursive Context of the Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism: The Cases of Iran and Syria.” Sociological Inquiry August: 330-55.

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